Thursday, December 28, 2006

sorry for the lack of posts lately. i've ben visting my family in NYC and been quite busy. they actually have DSL now (c/o me for Christmas/Hanukah), so I'm online, just dnt have much to post since i'm so busy and haven't had time to reflect upon it and think.

happy holiday severyone!

Friday, December 22, 2006


I've been jonesing for snow, but now that I'm about to go do some laundry, I'm glad it's not! :-P

Thursday, December 21, 2006


Whenever I stay up too late I always get a sleep deprivation hangover the next day. I was up until 4am, then went to breakfast at 9, then sleept from around noon until 3pm, and I still feel like ass. and I still have some work to do. :( Hoefully tomorrow i'll feel ok for a long drive to go visit my parnents for the holidays.

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Happy Holidays!

I hope everyone's having a good wind-down towards Christmas or whatever your holiday of choice is. I went caroling with some coworkers through the hallways today, it was lots of fun. One of our member sdidn't join us b/c she's Jewish I think unfortunately, but I'm an atheist and the songs don't bother me, they're fun music. :)

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

not much to say, just wanted to let y'all know I'm still alive. If you need something to do, click on the links elsewhere on this page, or check out my other blogs on blogger, Zandperl's Fancies which is about my craftsy side, and Modern Science which is science-y. This's my lazy blog. :-P

Friday, December 15, 2006

new blogger

I'm not too happy with the new Beta Blogger thing. When I'm surfing websites via Blog Explosion and I go to comment, the new Blogger closes the frame that BE puts it in, so I don't get the credit for visiting if I want to comment. :(

So if you're here and you use Blogger, switch back to the old format, or you won't get any traffic from traffic sharing sites.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Man I'm tired. I just had a few drinks with friendly coworkers. It's a fun crowd, and we managed o not let the organizer pay, she always tries to steal the check from the rest of us.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

NYC bans trans fat

Trans fat is artificially made, and NYC restuarants now have until sometime in 2008 to stop using them for frying foods and such. Wow. At first I thought they were banning all fat in food, which would be impossible... They also said that if a resturaunt's gonna show any ingredient info, they have to do ALL, and right on the menu, which some are worried will make them do none instead.

For more of these science-y things, go to my other blog Modern Science.

Sunday, December 10, 2006


I want to adopt a second bird. Gabe gets lonely, and he likes the budgies (parakeets) that my neighbor next door owns. I also want a second bird for myself, as I want someone more playful than he is. I'm moving next summer I think, so this gives me plenty of time to start looking at bird rescues. there's not that many, or that much choice, around where i live though, so I may just end up buying from a pet store - I'd rather not buy from a chain like PetCo, as they tend to come from massive breeders which don't always take the best care fo their birds, but I can check out small local pet stores, and also breeders.

Friday, December 08, 2006


today I got a bunch of Christmas-y gift bags for 50¢ each at AC Moore crafts, and a package of 100 sheets of tissue paper for something like five or six bucks. I'm going to make a few more scarves and stick them in these bags. I'm thinking of hopping back over to the fabric store tomorrow to get more colors of fleece. We'll see. I should do work too, maybe I'll do scarves and errands tomorrow, and working Sunday.


Earlier this week I went to a fabrics store and bought some fleece and some remnants. The fleece will make warm scarves, the remnants will make fancy scarves. I figured out how to use my sewing machine, and I can now hem up the edges, and I'm planning to give them to friends as gifts. However, I'll have plenty of fabric left over and want to see about selling more scarves, like thru eBay or something. Anyone have much luck selling things?

Wednesday, December 06, 2006


yesterday I slept thru boht my alarms. well, in all fairness I htink i tried to hit snooze and then instead hit off. i usually leave for work around 8:30 am, but instead I woke and saw the alarm clock said 8:34am ! I managed to make it tow ork anyway.

today i got a haircut this afternoon. last week I'd forgotton to put it in my calendar so i missed it, but when I rescheduled I did put it in immediately. haven't yet washed out the hair shreds yet.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006


One of my online friends had her baby albino cockatiel Falcor pass away at 2am this morning. Makes me cry.

no snow

I was disappointed at the lack of snow today. we didn't get school chancelled, and didn't even get flurries let alone ANYTHING sticking on the ground. I was also hoping i could get to try my new car on the snow - I know my old one was great at handling in the snow, but i've no clue how my new one does.

Monday, December 04, 2006

Star car mirror dangle

I'm looking for a star-shaped mirror dangle for my car's rear view mirror. I can't find anything that's just right. I should probably look among the Christmas ornaments everywhere. My car is a 2006 Honda Civic in the lighter blue. If you have any suggestions for something I could get online, leave a comment.

Sunday, December 03, 2006


I spent so much of this past weekend washing dishes. It really sucked, but it was really needed. I'm not good at washing them, so some were left over from a party a few weekends ago. :(

BlogExplosion still there?

What the hell's up with blog explosion these days? It seems like there's only five different blogs that I keep going to when I'm visiting blogs to earn credits, and no body ever comes to my blogs to comment any more. Anybody still using BE?

Do you have a different traffic exchange site that you use and can recommend? If so, I'm willing to sign up under you if it gets you referral points. Just tell me what you like about it.

Google Calendar

Since I think the reason pay per post rejected this blog is that I'd backdated a few posts, I'm going to try and blog here more consistently. To do this, i'mg oign to try to put it as an event in Google's calender to blog every couple days. Let's see if I can figure this out...

Friday, December 01, 2006


I've now replaced my Google ads with AdBrite ads. Google's Adsense never earned me enough money to get a check, and I've heard that they tend to dump you if they suspect you're "cheating," they refuse to tell you what "cheating" is, and they won't reply to your inquiries about being dumped.

One of the apparently neat things about AdBrite is that you get to approve who puts ads on your site. One of the drawbacks is you have to convince advertisers they want to advertise on your site. So this all means I'm probably going to get crappy-ass ads for a while, but click on them anyway. :-P And you can do referrals - if you're thinking of joining, please click via my link below.


I've now replaced my Google ads with AdBrite ads. Google's Adsense never earned me enough money to get a check, and I've heard that they tend to dump you if they suspect you're "cheating," they refuse to tell you what "cheating" is, and they won't reply to your inquiries about being dumped.

One of the apparently neat things about AdBrite is that you get to approve who puts ads on your site. One of the drawbacks is you have to convince advertisers they want to advertise on your site. So this all means I'm probably going to get crappy-ass ads for a while, but click on them anyway. :-P And you can do referrals - if you're thinking of joining, please click via my link below.


Aw fooie! Pay-per-post rejected this blog again. The issue I assume is that I haven't actually really been posting consistently for the last 90 days. The email *said* this blog hadn't existed for 90 days, but that's untrue, I just haven't been posting that whole time, I just let it sit and then "faked" some posts in the past few weeks. :-P I'll keep trying.

Anyone know of a similar service that's less strict?