Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Blind/dyslexic math?

Anyone here blind or dyslexic? How did you learn math? I'm asking b/c I want to figure out what I can do to help students in my physics classes should it ever come up in the future.

Monday, November 27, 2006

El Nino?

Weather's unseaonsalbly warm here. Usually I have to have my landlord turn on the heat right after Halloween, but it's now right after thanksgibing and I don't still need it yet. it costs a lot so I'm waiting, since it's gas heat. I read on CNN or something yesterday that it might be because of El Nino. Ah, it was Wudnerground.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

Yahoo! Answers

Yahoo Answers can be the stupidest thing ever at times. if you ever just need to knill time, go and answer some stupid poeple. or you can actually try to make a difference, which i sometimes do, but don't expect to get very far with it. LOL as they say.

Friday, November 24, 2006

Child's Play

Child's Play is a charity aimed at gamers created to help defuse the negative stereotypes about gamers while doing good at the same time. Check them out, and donate a little.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Worst job?

What do you think is the worst job possible?

Sometimes I hate how as a teacher, I always take work home, all the time. But I like teaching, it's exciting, it's never the same, and I get summers off. ^_^ One of my friends has a classified job. Once she leaves the office she's not allowed to talk about it! I'd like having all my home time to myself, but I'd get sick of not being allowed to tell people what I do, including a spouse, parents, or children.

At least my job's not dirty.


I've been sitting at home for the past couple hours doing absolutely nothing. well, surfing the web. that's maybe worse than nothing. :-P

Monday, November 20, 2006


So what's everyone doing for Thanksgiving? I'nm trying to get together with some friends to go drinking at a bar, and also to see Borat in a theater. I haven't seen them in a long time since none of them live in the same city as me anymore.

everything I say is true, i'm just being super lazy about how i say it and not putting in any details. i should say stupid MySpace type stuff. I think it'd make my head explode.

Friday, November 17, 2006


the weather's been a mixture of unseasonably warm, and nastily rainy. i haven't had to have my landlord turn on my heat yet which is a good thing, b/c the gas heat costs way too much. i've just bene using the electric heaters. i think i'll wait till after thanksgiving to have the heat turned on since it'd just be watsted over the holiday

Monday, November 13, 2006

Blog Explosion

Join Blog Explosion! It's a traffic exchange site for blogs that shows you lots of other exciting blogs out there, and also brings new visitors to your own blogs. It's fun. Go do it.

Saturday, November 04, 2006


I alwasy wonder if I should shred things like exams that i write before i put them in my recycling at home. it's legal to pick through people's trash, so how do i know some enteprising student isn't stalking me and pulling out drafts of my exams? then i realize it'd be a lot easier for them to breka into my office and steal them that way. ;-P silly me